Best Airline Credit Cards
A travel rewards credit card is a simple method to obtain airline benefits without status. It may appear that the ideal credit card for flying is an airline credit card, but this is not always the case. If you are loyal to a particular airline or desire access to an airline-specific lounge, an airline-specific credit card may be the best option.
If this does not describe you, you will certainly do better with a more flexible travel rewards credit card that offers bonus credits regardless of which airline you fly and more flexible redemption options.
Understanding What An Airline Credit Card Is
An airline credit card is a sort of rewards card, typically co-branded with a major issuer, that provides points and advantages to airline loyalists. Generally, these cards earn airline miles for purchases made directly with the airline, but they can occasionally earn miles in other categories as well. Then, these miles are redeemed for award flights on that particular airline.
You can use airline credit cards like you would any other rewards credit card, but this may not be the most effective technique for maximizing benefits. Priority boarding, seating upgrades, and companion rates are some of the travel-specific perks offered by airline credit cards, which provide the greatest value when used in conjunction with other credit cards. Possessing both an airline credit card and membership in the carrier’s frequent flyer program can maximize value.
Choosing The Best Airline Credit Card
The initial step in selecting an airline credit card is to determine whether an airline card makes sense for you, especially in comparison to a general travel credit card, whose rewards are not tied to a specific carrier. If you frequently fly with the same airline and fly frequently enough to justify the annual charge, an airline credit card may be an excellent option.
The more frequently you fly a certain airline, the more likely you accrue enough points for a free ticket or seat upgrade, which you can redeem for a flight of your choosing. Most major airline credit cards waive the price for checked luggage, which can be advantageous and rapidly offset the annual fee.
If you predominantly fly with one airline, select a card from that carrier. If you frequently fly multiple airlines, you may want to consider obtaining cards for each. Airport lounge access is a key differentiator among the credit cards offered by major airlines. Obtain the premium card if you value lounge access, but be prepared to pay a high annual charge. A no-annual-fee, lower-tier airline credit card may not feature free checked luggage.
Maximizing Your Airline Credit Card
The easiest method to maximize your airline credit cards is to familiarize yourself with all the perks and benefits that come with these products and then utilize them. If you check bags on airlines, the free checked bag that normally comes with these cards can save you $60 round-trip or even more if you’re traveling with others.
If the card offers statement credits, make the necessary purchases to receive them. Utilize charge credits to pay for airport lounge access, seat upgrades, and in-flight food and beverage purchases.
Check if your credit card offers a method for attaining airline elite status if you’re pursuing it. If it does, consider making the necessary purchases, but keep in mind the TPG Golden Rule of paying off your credit cards each month to maximize your rewards.
You should also utilize the free companion certificates to bring a friend or loved one along on your trip.
Lastly, do not disregard benefits like extended warranty coverage and purchase and return protection.
Best Airline Credit Cards To Choose From
Capital One Venture X Rewards Credit Card
The Capital One Venture X Rewards Credit Card is loaded with premium advantages, including airport lounge access and cell phone insurance, which can be shared by the entire family thanks to the complimentary authorized user cards. The annual fee, which is relatively modest for a premium card, is partially offset by yearly travel statement credits for bookings made through Capital One Travel, and a bonus of 75,000 miles can be redeemed when spending $4,000 in travel during the first 3 months of account opening.
Moreover, Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card is an excellent option for most travelers due to its ease of use and generous rewards. With 2x miles on every dollar and no bonus categories to memorize, this card is great for individuals with a hectic lifestyle.
United Club℠ Infinite Card
The United Club℠ Infinite Card is not for everyone, but it is a powerful tool for United fliers, particularly those who want access to United Club lounges when they travel.
Other United privileges include complimentary first and second-checked baggage, Premier Access, average $320 savings per roundtrip, and access to increased award availability when redeeming miles.
Even if you are unsure whether the United advantages alone make this card desirable, this card offers additional travel-related incentives that may sway your decision. You will receive up to a $100 application fee credit for TSA PreCheck or Global Entry, the chance to enroll in the Avis President’s Club, no foreign transaction costs, and additional purchasing and travel advantages such as trip delay coverage, an extended warranty, and more.
Chase Freedom Flex℠
The Chase Freedom Flex℠ is a top-tier option for all-around perks, and its enhanced rewards on Chase Ultimate Rewards® bookings also place it among the best cards for flights. Since most airline tickets grant miles and status regardless of where they are purchased, the Freedom Flex is an enticing method to earn on both airline tickets and daily spending.
In the realm of rewards credit cards, the Chase Freedom Flex℠ strikes a commanding and distinctive position. This is due to the fact that this no-annual-fee card, which replaced the defunct Chase Freedom®, offers the best of both worlds: fixed bonus categories with up to 5% back, in addition to 5% bonus categories that change quarterly.
Obviously, all of these additional categories need a significant amount of tracking, so if you’re looking for simpler, more straightforward incentives that require less maintenance, alternative cash-back cards may be a better fit. But if you’re an optimizer ready to activate quarterly bonus categories and pay attention to continuing bonus tiers, the Chase Freedom Flex℠ offers a lot of muscle.
The Bottom Line
There are a few exceptions to the general rule that it is advantageous for the majority of airline credit card holders to pay an annual fee to receive numerous additional benefits from their card.
Each airline credit card with an annual charge offers at least one perk that is not offered by any other credit card. Consider paying an annual fee for an airline card if one of these bonuses meets your travel requirements.
If you are a frequent flier on one of these airlines, you should examine a premium credit card to see if it can make your time in the air cheaper, more comfortable, or more rewarding — or possibly all three.